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call (810) 230-1266

Security First Benefits Corporation
G-3526 Miller Rd
Suite B
Flint, MI 48507

Wellness Plans

Promote Employee Wellness and Increase Your Bottom Line

National studies continue to prove that one way to lower the cost of healthcare and healthcare claims is to encourage the population to lead a healthy lifestyle. As a result, many carriers, as well as employers, are offering wellness benefits to complement health benefits, in addition to offering incentives for using them.

Our team of benefit consultants can help you implement wellness into your workforce, either through carrier plans, or through additional wellness vendors. We help you follow and measure the success of your investment and provide additional value-added services to keep employees engaged.  Following are just a few examples of wellness benefits and their advantages.

Wellness Plan Benefits

Biometric screening aimed at improving health and reducing claims of your most at risk employees

Education and preventative medicine such as flu shots, mammograms, and more

Onsite, offsite or virtual physical fitness & nutritional classes

Discounts to gym memberships and other wellness subscriptions

Smoking cessation programs

Financial counseling

Mental health and substance abuse programs

And more

Wellness Plan Advantages

Reduced claims

Lower premiums

Lower healthcare costs for both employer and employee

Healthier employee population

Improved morale, loyalty and productivity

Attract and retain top employees

Contact Us
For a Customized Quote

(810) 230-1266

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